Experience personalized mentorship and consulting sessions, thoughtfully designed to fit within 30 minutes to 1 hour time slots. This option caters to individuals seeking specific insights, guidance, or direction. Whether you require assistance with particular modalities, seek clarity on certain aspects of your work, desire support with challenging cases, or are keen on advancing your skills in the Healing Arts, Kambo, Rapé, and/or Sananga, these sessions are tailored to your needs.

Receive expert guidance and advanced techniques to elevate your practice and provide deeper assistance to your clients. Your journey is my priority, and that’s why the mentorship is centered around your unique goals and aspirations.

Engage in a nurturing and collaborative environment during our mentorship sessions. Bring forth your questions, challenges, dilemmas and cases, and I will offer comprehensive feedback and direction. Witness enhanced client outcomes, refined skills, and a newfound confidence in your practice.

With a profound passion and dedication to helping practitioners thrive in their Healing Arts journey, I am committed to enriching your professional path. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your growth—be it through improved client well-being, honed skills, or an elevated sense of assurance.


If you’re interested in connecting and delving into further details, reach out to arrange your 15-minute complimentary exploration phone call.

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